Container Delivered!
The container arrived in Cuba without incident and churches in Cuba have received our donations! Pastors are astounded and grateful!
Below are thank you videos from Grateful Pastors. Thank you to everyone who prayed and donated towards this unprecedented effort.
Thank you from Iglesia Bautista Resurrection – Subtitles in English (CC)
Using the brand new sound system we provided, Pastor Samuel Betancourt along with congregational members thanks us!
Thank you from Iglesia Bautista Dios es Amor – Subtitles in English (CC)
Pastor Dariel Llanes Quintana, current president of the Convención Bautista de Cuba Occidental, thanks us for the equipment we sent.
Thank you from the President of the Baptist Convention of Eastern Cuba – Subtitles in English (CC)
Pastor Josue Rodriguez Legra, current president of the Convención Bautista de Cuba Oriental and Pastor of the 1era Iglesia Bautista de Palma Soriano, thanks us for the equipment we sent.
Thank you from Seminario/Templo Bautista Nazaret de Cienfuegos – Subtitles in English (CC)
Pastor Everardo Hernandez Pino, former Pastor of Templo Bautista Nazaret de Cienfuegos and founder of thier affiliate Seminary, thanks us for the equipment we sent.
Thank you from Iglesia Bautista Enmanuel de Loma Colorada – Subtitles in English (CC)
Pastor Lisvani Morales from Iglesia Bautista Enmanuel de Loma Colorada thanks us for the sound equipment, computer, and chairs we sent!